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BASF Vesnit Complete (Topramezone 10 G/L + Atrazine 300 G/L SC) Herbicide

BASF Vesnit Complete (Topramezone 10 G/L + Atrazine 300 G/L SC) Herbicide

Regular price Rs. 1,625.00
Regular price Rs. 2,198.00 Sale price Rs. 1,625.00
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  • Product Price: Rs. 1,377.12
  • Tax: Rs. 247.88(18%) The amount here provided is inclusive of all Taxes. Taxes are calculated according to the central and state guidelines. You will receive the exact classification of the taxes in the bill copy at the time of Delivery.
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Brand Name    :    BASF
Product Name    :   Vesnit Complete
Technical Name    :   Topramezone 10 G/L + Atrazine 300 G/L SC
Target     :    Controlling grasses and broad leaf weeds in Sugarcane and Corn.

A complete solution for controlling grasses and broad leaf weeds in Sugarcane and Corn

Vesnit® Complete provides effective, long duration and reliable control on grasses & broad-leaf weeds. It is a convenient, ready-to-use formulation and also provides crop safety. 

  • Effective and reliable control on grasses & broad-leaf weeds
  • Longer duration control
  • Crop safety
  • Convenient, ready-to-use formulation 

How it works?

Vesnit Complete is a systemic post emergence herbicide to control grasses and broad-leaf weeds in Sugarcane and Corn. After application, it is quickly absorbed by leaves, roots and shoots of weeds and translocated to growing points of weeds. It inhibits the activity of 4-Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate dioxygenase enzyme resulting in the breakdown of chloroplast which causes strong bleaching on the growing shoots. Without photosynthetic tissue, weeds are unable to maintain further growth & die.

Mode of action:

Synergy of dual mode of action (HPPD Inhibitor + PSII inhibitor) brings superior performance & cross spectrum control on a variety of grasses & broad-leaf weeds 


Product application information

Crop Target Disease Dosage Water Volume PHI  When to Apply
Corn Parthenium hysterophorus, Panicum spp. Amaranthus viridis, Celosia argentea, Melilotus alba, Alternanthera sp. , Digitaria sanguinalis 1 L per acre 150-200L/acre 90
  • At 2-3 leaf weed stage or 2-3 inch height of weeds
  • At right soil moisture condition, prepare stock solution of 1.2 L to be used in 10 knapsack pumps 
  • With the help of Cut Nozzle, apply this stock solution uniformly in the field with the help of 150-200 L water per acre
Sugarcane Amaranthus viridis, Cynodon dactylon, Portulaca oleracea, Alternanthera sessilis  1.2 Litre per Acre  150 -200 Litre water per Acre 268 Days
  • At 2-3 leaf weed stage or 2-3 inch height of weeds
  • At right soil moisture condition, prepare stock solution of 1.2 L to be used in 10 knapsack pumps 
  • With the help of Cut Nozzle, apply this stock solution uniformly in the field with the help of 150-200 L water per acre


The information provided on this website is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflet for complete details and directions for use. The seller warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the label when used in strict accordance with the directions, subject to the inherent risks set forth below. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, The seller MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.