Carbendazim 50% WP
- Bavistin is the most trusted brand in agrochemical industry.
- Bavistin is a systemic fungicide which controls disease at every growing point of plant.
- Bavistin works as preventive as well as curative hence gives longer duration of control.
- Bavistin is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides.
- Bavistin has broader disease control in field and horticultural crops.
Recommended dose:
Crop | Common name of the Pest | Dose (ml/acre) |
Paddy | Blast | 100-200 |
Paddy | Sheath blight | 2 gm/kg seed |
Paddy | Aerial phase | 100-200 |
Wheat | Loose smut | 2 gm/kg seed |
Barley | Loose smut | 2 gm/kg seed |
Tapioca | Set rot | 1 gm/10 Ltr water |
Cotton | Leaf spot | 100 |
Jute | Seedling blight | 2gm/kg seed |
Ground nut | Tikka leaf spot | 90 |
Sugar beet | Leaf spot | 80 |
Sugar beet | Powdery mildew | 80 |
Peas | Powdery mildew | 100 |
Beans | Powdery mildew | 140 |
Cucurbits | Powdery mildew | 120 |
Cucurbits | Anthracnose | 120 |
Brinjal | Leaf spot | 120 |
Brinjal | Fruit rot | 120 |
Apple | Scab | 2.5 gm/10 Ltr water |
Grapes | Anthracnose | 120 |
Walnut | Downy leaf spot | 3 gm/10 Ltr water |
Rose | Powdery mildew | 1 gm/10 Ltr water |
Ber | Powdery mildew | 10 gm/10 Ltr water |
The information provided on this website is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflet for complete details and directions for use. The seller warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the label when used in strict accordance with the directions, subject to the inherent risks set forth below. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, The seller MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.